Synopsis: Sculptor Kenny Hunter undertakes Scotland’s first Covid memorial, a bronze sculpture of four National Health Service workers removing their personal protective equipment after a long shift. Dedicated to frontline NHS workers, the sculpture takes on a new significance for Kenny when, after a year of working on the memorial, he is diagnosed with cancer, finding himself in the hands of the healthcare workers he has spent so long studying. The film offers a poignant nod to the camaraderie and resilience of frontline healthcare workers during the pandemic which, in our eagerness to move on from that time, must never be forgotten.
About the Filmmaker: Meg Wriggles is a film director and camera operator based in Edinburgh, recently graduating from Edinburgh College of Art with a first class honours degree in practical film making. Meg’s love for film making is innate, first getting her hands on a camera at 8 years old and creating strange fictions. Since then, Meg has developed a love for people and social change, encouraging her to explore the documentary genre. Meg is also a keen oil painter and sculptor, which led her to create her first commissioned documentary, ‘Your Next Breath’, an intimate portrait of artist Kenny Hunter’s journey to create a memorial for the NHS workers lost to Covid-19. Meg is also the founder of skateboobs (, a queer skate collective which aims to tackle sexism through sport and art.