Synopsis: In the remote Scottish countryside, a downtrodden woman finds herself entangled in a newly-discovered influencer culture, whilst in search of respite from the humdrum of rural living and the impending weight of caregiving duties.
About the Filmmaker: Debora is an Italian writer and director based in Scotland. After completing her film studies at Screen Academy Scotland and San Diego State University, Debora has focused on creating commissioned short films distributed internationally. Her latest film, YOU LAND, was funded by Screen Scotland and British Film Institute. Debora is interested in creating work that explores the complexity of womanhood, touching on mental health, rural realities and the intersection between individual and collective memory in the technological age. Selected filmography: I Should Have Loved a Thunderbird Instead (2019); My Dad’s Video Diary (2020); Seeking Comfort In An Uncomfortable Place (2021);You Land (2022); Big Shop (In Development, 2024).