Synopsis: A satirical Dramedy inspired by the infamous UK Miner’s strikes of the 1980s; however this time, the fight isn’t in the pits, but on the stage. In this surreal, alternate vision of Britain, struggling actors and artists wage war against government cuts and cultural indifference, exposing the deep-rooted classism and underfunding plaguing the industry.
About the Filmmaker: James is an award-winning freelance Director and Writer, working within comedy, short film, commercials, and music video. Originally from a multi-disciplinary background, with many years spent as an Editor and Creative, James’ approach now has broad influences. His early commercials employed vibrancy and a youthful energy, and now his style has progressed into a more cinematic and stylistic approach, with narrative at the forefront. It regularly strikes a fine balance between surreal and realism, comedy and drama; developing an exaggerated take on the world, with meticulous precision in his visuals and a passion for unique characters. His work has gained nominations at the UKMVAs and Berlin Commercial, “Best New Director” nominations at Kinsale, 4 x Promax Awards (with 7 x nominations), along with various selections and awards at numerous BAFTA and Oscar qualifying festivals, including Raindance, LSFF and many more.