Synopsis: In the dull world of Verrucaway, a pharmaceutical company, Paul’s life changes when Iris, an AI assistant, boosts the company’s success and sparks his romance with Beth. But when Iris’s efficiency leads to layoffs, Paul must decide between saving Beth’s job and unleashing Iris’s power—with disastrous results.
About the Filmmaker: Verrucaway is the curious brainchild of Charlie Brafman & Magnus McCullagh. Initially working as screenwriters, they turned their hands to directing with their debut short, The Rabbit’s Foot. First released in 2018, it has since screened at BAFTA and Academy Award qualifying festivals around the world. In 2021, Rookie, a feature film they wrote together with director Lieven van Baelen for CZAR, was released in cinemas in mainland Europe, reaching second place at the box office in Belgium.