Synopsis: Facing societal stigma against abortion, high school student Mira hides her pregnancy for nine months. She plans to sell her baby to a local couple struggling with infertility, who pretend the wife is pregnant. When Mira arrives at their home to give birth, things go awry, forcing all three to confront a deep secret.
About the Filmmaker: Onur Guler, graduated from Haliç University Conservatory, Department of Theatre. He worked as a director and actor in many theater institutions. He worked as assistant director in the feature film ‘Winds’. The director competed in many national and international film festivals with his first short film “The Emptiness” and then won the ‘Special Jury’ award at the 20th Golden Boll film festival. His second Short Film, ‘The Hurt’, received production support from the Ministry of Culture in 2019, and the film received the ‘Best Film’ award at the 21st Izmir Film Festival (Oscar Qualifying). Thus, the film officially earned an Oscar nomination. The movie ‘The Hurt’ received many awards in the same year; Siyad was nominated in the ‘Best Film’ category at the Altın Koza and Ankara film festivals. The director most recently served as assistant director in the documentary film ‘Crossroads’, directed by award-winning director Mahmut Fazıl Coşkun.