Synopsis: Set on a British farm, a supplier to major supermarkets. This murky operation holds Nizar behind closed doors as a slave. Riddled with debt he finds his dream of reuniting with his family thrown into jeopardy when he becomes responsible for a volatile new arrival.
About the Filmmaker: Ben’s long form commercial “It Follows Me Around” for the UK charity ChildLine won ‘Best New Director’ at Shots Awards in 2012, ‘Best Short Film’ at the CFP-E Shots Young Director Awards, a Cannes Lion and inclusion in the Saatchi & Saatchi New Directors Showcase. Known for his emotive brand of storytelling the film gave him a platform to work in the commercial environment for the past 10 years where he’s had the opportunity to hone his filmmaking skills. This is Ben’s first short film, which he hopes will give him the platform to follow his passion for longer form storytelling.