Synopsis: In a chance encounter on Grindr, a reclusive barman at an Arkansas line-dancing bar connects with a charismatic Hollywood actor. The sheer force of their chemistry pushes him to question the isolated life he has built for himself- and embrace the transformative power of intimacy and vulnerability.
About the Filmmaker: Nicholas is a writer-director of film based between Los Angeles and London. He is the 2021/22 recipient of the highly competitive BAFTA LA scholarship, and current fellow on the MFA in Directing at The American Film Institute (AFI) – recently ranked as #1 film school in the world by the Hollywood Reporter. Nicholas’s filmmaking places queer characters front and centre in hard-hitting dramas that explore a unique blend of visceral social-realism and heightened, colourful camp. Transitioning to behind the camera, Nick’s first short film ‘The Swimming Club’ was supported by DAZED and the UN Association and screened at BFI Southbank as part of ‘We The Peoples’ Film Festival.