Synopsis: Six For Gold follows Ellie-Bea Thomas, a Team SOGB rhythmic gymnast with Down’s Syndrome, as she goes for gold at the Special Olympic World Games.
About the Filmmaker: Fabia is an award-winning director & writer with a passion for telling unheard stories in fresh ways. Her career began in TV development devising factual films for the BBC, Channel 4, and Vice. Today, she makes films for global brands such as Google, Nike, Samsung & Dove with a focus on real stories and great characters with a bright comedic edge. Her comedy short, The Rev, was supported by the BFI and premiered at the London Film Festival. It was later screened at prestigious national and international festivals including Manchester Film Festival, Underwire, Cambridge, and Pride Pictures in Germany, and was shortlisted for Best British Short and highly commended at the ‘Oscars’ of the LGBTQ+ short film world, the IRIS Prize. It is now hosted on Channel 4. Her debut coming-of-age feature is in development, and she has a comedy pilot in development with a London-LA-based production company. At the end of 2023, she was awarded the First Flights x Kodak Film Fund for Six for Gold, a documentary that follows the journey of a Team GB rhythmic gymnast with Down’s Syndrome as she goes for gold at the Special Olympics. She’s a member of BAFTA Connect, a national talent development scheme, and Free The Work. Through her work, she aims to create inclusive and diverse teams to make better, more impactful films.