Synopsis: Rosa unexpectedly finds herself spending an evening out alone as her daughter throws an 18th birthday party in their house. Wasting time in her small Cornish town, she spies a woman she has met once before – and is drawn to her.
About the Filmmaker: Coral is an emerging filmmaker from London. She hopes to make sensitive films that give weight to seemingly small, yet significant moments in people’s lives. Alongside writing and directing Coral works as a casting associate with casting director Lucy Pardee, most recently having worked on features Club Zero (Jessica Hausner), Lollipop (Daisy-May Hudson) and Silver Haze (Sacha Polak). She was also casting assistant on Aftersun (Charlotte Wells). She was part of Encounters Film Festival’s emerging filmmakers scheme, Widening The Lens, in 2019. Roses is her first professional short film, and she feels very lucky and grateful to the people who made it with her.