Synopsis: Based on a true story – A father and son running a makeshift hospital on the front line of war, face a tough decision when a platoon of soldiers approaches their building. They must find a way to protect both their patients and themselves.
About the Filmmaker: Franz Böhm from Stuttgart, Germany, directed his first film, Harmonie der Anderen, at age 16. Gaining experience working for German TV Channel ZDF, Franz created the documentary Christmas Wishes, showcasing homeless youth’s lives. The film was selected as the opening for the German Youth Film Awards. Franz then directed a short drama, Good Luck, which premiered at the British Independent Film Festival. Franz’s debut feature film, DEAR FUTURE CHILDREN, won the audience award at its world premiere at the 42nd Max-Ophüls-Preis Film Festival. The film later premiered at international film festivals such as CPH:DOX and Hot Docs International Film Festival, where it won the audience award. DEAR FUTURE CHILDREN was nominated for the First Steps Award and won audience & main jury awards at the 2022 German Documentary Awards. The film was distributed in over 40 countries and watched by over 90,000 cinema-goers before being released on Netflix DACH.