Synopsis: In order to find her pet cat, a young toilet attendant has to sell her feet pics to a deranged river hunchback and find her way to a shadow puppet theatre adaptation of her life.
About the Filmmaker: Michal Vojtech and Ariel De La Garza are recent graduates of the University of Cambridge’s “Writing for Performance” master’s course. They are a Czech-Mexican team of writer-directors who recently formed The Threepenny Collective production company with another Cambridge colleague. In December, they produced their short film debut “MEOW!”, an absurd drama finalised in May 2024. In May, Michal and Ariel’s film “Love Bites” was selected for the 2024 edition of the Straight 8 film festival which screened at the BFI IMAX in London earlier this year. This August, they also premiered absurdist comedy-horror play “Corpse Flower” at the Edinburgh Fringe, celebrated as a “Hidden Gem” by the Fringe Review Magazine. Michal and Ariel are working on their second short film, the folklore horror “Ash Wednesday”, currently in post-production.