Synopsis: It’s Chinese New Year in a small parish town where a teenage British-Chinese lion dancer strikes up an unlikely friendship with the most popular girl in his class. Prepared to shun the centuries long wu-shi folk dance of his forefathers in favour of the neon lights of his new love interest’s house party, he must come to terms with his shame towards his own traditions before it’s too late.
About the Filmmaker: Alvin is a British/Chinese writer/director. His first short film SPILT was shown at the BAFTA-qualifying London Short Film Festival amongst others. He is currently writing his first TV pilot with Clerkenwell Films (BABY REINDEER), and has two other projects in development with Euston Films and New Pictures in London. Before that, he was selected for BBC’s prestigious Writers Room programme as well as Disney’s Star Imagine Short Film Incubator Scheme. He is currently represented by United Agents.