Synopsis: A psychological comedy set in a run-down 1950s diner. Le Charade follows the final performance of a lonely mime and the psychotic episode that ensues after his imaginary friend breaks up with him and he is forced to re-enter society.
About the Filmmaker: Erika Totoro is a stop-motion filmmaker from Westchester, New York. This is the second stop-motion short film she has written, directed, and produced at SCAD, with the first being a collaborative 10-week project titled “Wash Cycle” which wrapped production in Spring 2023. Before coming to SCAD, Erika was crafting clay miniatures in her basement where she made her first stop-motion short titled “Lonely” at 15 years old. The idea for Le Charade was inspired by a live-action mockumentary short film, also about a mime struggling with his identity, which she wrote, directed, and produced as a film counselor in upstate New York. Outside of Le Charade, Erika shares a deep passion for the medium, co-founding SCAD’s stop-motion club in 2022. Currently home to 400 members, she hopes to have made an impact on the animation community at SCAD and help share the impressive achievements of the department and Professor Nathan Asquith. After SCAD she hopes to continue making films, creating original ideas and bringing them to life through stop-motion animation.