Synopsis: A former captain, suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, lives with his daughter in a humble house located by the sea. Together, they live an isolated life and have to confront the challenges of a harsh life.
Despite the captain’s deep desire to be a devoted and caring father, he finds himself unable to fulfill his role and connect with his daughter in the way that he longs to.
One morning, their lives change forever when an unforeseen event occurs. Whether this event proves to be a newfound source of hope or an additional burden remains to be seen.
About the Filmmaker: Shirin Sohani, M.A. in animation directing. Concept artist, Background artist, Script writer. Her graduation animated film won national & international awards. Hossein Molayemi, M.A. in animation directing. Director, animator and university lecturer. His 1st film, Run Rostam Run has been selected in Annecy, Warsaw and several other Oscar qualifying film festivals and won national & international awards.