Synopsis: Bobby’s tales of hunting game on the plains of Tanzania inspire a sinister side in her mollycoddled co-worker Lucas.
About the Filmmaker: Meghan O’Shaughnessy is a multi-award winning director from Limerick, Ireland. Her most recent documentary ‘They Killed Us For Existing’ won a Royal Television Society Award for ‘Best Factual Piece 2023’. This documentary has also won ‘Best Film in a Student Category’ in The Richard Harris International Film Festival and The Disappear Here International Film Festival 2022. Meghan received a First Class Honours degree from the National Film School with her graduate production, ‘How To Skin A Cheetah’. The film is an exploration into surrealism and German Expressionism. Meghan is interested in themes such as parenting, coming of age and violence. Her greatest influences for this project were ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ (Dir. Brad Silberling, 2004), ‘Coraline’ (Dir. Henry Selick, 2009) and ‘The End of the F***ing World’ (Dir. Jonathan Entwistle & Lucy Tcherniak, 2017).