Synopsis: A short documentary film captures the public’s fleeting feelings about the world’s future and potential ending. Capturing the beauty and fragility of the planet on 16 mm film, allows to navigate in an uncertain world seen through the eyes of people living in all corners of the UK. Whispers of global warming, shadows of greed, and echos of wars—we listen to the pulse of humanity for answers. Where are we headed? Who shapes our fate? Is the end near? In the silence of uncertainty, we ponder: is there an answer, or do we find solace in this mystery?
About the Filmmaker: Vladislav Motorichev is an independent theatre and film director, cinematographer. In his visual works, he explores the themes of the imperfection of the world, humanism, senseless cruelty, and human misunderstanding. For the last 5 years, I have participated in more than 29 international professional film sets and more than 40 theatre performances Independently, he has made 4 theatre drama performances. “lady Macbeth” , “Girl and flower”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Remarque. Scenes”. Used to study at; Higher Theatrical School (Institute) the Name of M.S. Schepkina, Russian Institute of Theatre Arts – GITIS, MetFilm School, London. His debut short film, “The Ode On Cure” received multiple international awards and screenings.