Synopsis: Whilst negotiating two seemingly separate world’s, we follow Ranjit on her drive with her mother, Chanda to their local Gurdwara. A normal journey for most but for Ranjit, she is building the courage to tell her mother something that she knows will trigger a devastating reaction and effect their family’s reputations. We starts to see tension build. Ranjit tries to open up but the ancestral baggage, carried by most South Asian women, holds her back. Instead, Ranjit carries on her journey until she emotionally breaks alone in silence.
About the Filmmaker: Malinda, a British Sikh filmmaker from Yorkshire in England. With a focus on female led stories, she started as floor Runner worked her way up to now a 1st Assistant Director. Having worked with female directors Andrea Arnold, Sarah Gavron, Clio Barnard and S.J Clarkson, Malinda was given the confidence to finally share her voice. Malinda’s first short ‘Amishi’ shot with a £500 budegt screened at international festivals. F.O.G, is her third short film and has been funded by the BBC. Malinda is now working on her two features aswell as writing her TV show.