Synopsis: Brown Brit follows a woman’s journey from an arranged marriage in 1987 India to her new life on a North London council estate raising three children. Told through real archival VHS footage from the 80s and 90s, and created by her family and friends (including her three daughters), this film is a tribute to a mother’s resilience, her bravery in defying societal norms, and her unwavering commitment to forging her own destiny, for both herself and for her daughters.
About the Filmmaker: The Romantix are filmmakers Jay and Ralph; a London girl and a Northern boy with a shared desire to tell challenging and emotive stories. After meeting in 2010, and collaborating on various creative projects, they directed their first film together in 2017, My Turtle Dove, a self funded passion project which was awarded a Vimeo Staff Pick and screened across film festivals nationwide. They recently directed spots within the newly released Channel 4 idents through Art Practice Studio. Each with over a decade’s experience across various disciplines (Ralph in post production and Jay in branding/design), together they bring with them a wide range of creative skills and a unique approach to filmmaking. “Our work explores identity and relationships with the goal of changing perspectives. Similarly to The 18th Century Romantics, we believe that the purpose of art is to achieve a deeper connection. Isn’t everything we do in life a way to connect to others?”