Synopsis: Germany, 1945: The Second World War is over. Josef, a former SS colonel, lives a secluded life in a hut deep in the forest. His only companions are his bees and a rabbit that he reads to. The idyll proves to be a facade, because the demons of the past haunt Josef. In his nightmares they haunt him and confront him with the truth, which he tries to drown in alcohol.
About the Filmmaker: Nicholas, Julius and Vincent have known each other since childhood. They have always shared shared a common enthusiasm for movies and storytelling. Today they work Today, they work together on film projects and complement each other through their different interests. For “Bannkorb”, the three of them directed and wrote the screenplay. During the shoot, they divided their tasks into different areas of expertise and were able to and were able to lead the team well. Nicholas was personally interested in dealing with the Shoah in cinematic form, as himself a German Jew and a large part of his family on his mother’s side perished in Auschwitz. perished. He studied directing at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz until 2017. Since then he has been working as a producer, director and recording supervisor for television programs such as “Tatort.” Vincent Ercolani studied directing at the Hochschule in Mainz until 2023. In 2019 he worked as a production assistant for the Netflix show “Das Damengambit.” Today he works as an actor and director in Berlin. Julius Schulze Farwick is studying art in Münster. Here he specializes mainly in the area of practical special effects.