Synopsis: The captivating term for a gathering of butterflies is a ‘kaleidoscope,’ and what better way to honour this enchanting fact than through a short film! Every butterfly featured in this film was ethically sourced, ensuring the respect for nature’s delicate balance. The film playfully intertwines the kaleidoscopic patterns found in nature with the mesmerising beauty of butterflies up close. Through stunning visuals, it celebrates the intricate tapestry of life and the wondrous diversity found in the natural world.
About the Filmmaker: Matt Harris is a Producer and Director of short films with over two decades of experience. His films have been exhibited at festivals around the world and online. Beyond filmmaking, Matt is also an educator, sharing his expertise in workshops and training sessions, colleges and universities. With a focus on visual storytelling and integrity, Matt’s work has resonated with audiences by exploring diverse narratives and perspectives.