Synopsis: A short animated documentary about love, death, and knitting. Visible Mending is an animated documentary exploring the effect that knitting has on the human brain to help people to reconnect with their sense of self.
About the Filmmaker: Sam Moore is a UK based, international award winning animation director and researcher. She loves the joyfulness and eclectic nature of animation. No one ever finds animation intimidating, and yet it can convey complex ideas to a wide audience in an engaging way. Sam has made work on diverse subjects, from competitive sweet-pea growing, to cutting edge microbiology, archaeology, neuroscience, and her own experience of having twins.
Screening Times:
This film is showing in the Real Stories shorts screening at The Forum Auditorium on 18th November at 15:45.
Did you know that 100+ short films from our Official Selection will be available to rent online during this year's festival?
Selected films from the Real Stories strand will be available online from 19th November until 3rd December.
Please note that some films are excluded from online screenings at the filmmaker's request. > More information