Synopsis: When a spirited eight-year-old lands the part of Innkeeper in the school nativity play, she battles her perfectionist teacher who insists that she “stick to the script” and refuse Mary and Joseph a room.
About the Filmmaker: Paudie Baggott is an award-winning filmmaker from Co. Limerick, making character comedy with a strong sense of visual absurdity. He is a graduate of the National Film School @ IADT (BA Hons in Film & Television Production & Direction) and worked as an Art Director for many years. His films have won awards at Galway Film Fleadh, Emerging Directors Awards and Waterford Film Festival.
Screening Times:
This film is showing in the Family Friendly Shorts screening at The Forum Auditorium on 11th November at 10:45.
Did you know that 100+ short films from our Official Selection will be available to rent online during this year's festival?
Selected films from the Family Friendly Shorts strand will be available online from 12th November until 3rd December.
Please note that some films are excluded from online screenings at the filmmaker's request. > More information