Synopsis: When a workaholic city detective and her laid-back partner try to stop a dishevelled girl staggering down the middle of a country road, they discover she’s being stalked by some unseen entity with a horrifying ultimatum: you stop moving, you die.
About the Filmmaker: Emily is attracted to dark stories and conflicted characters, appreciating high production values and cinematic appeal. She is developing features in the thriller/horror genre and has directed a number of award-winning short films and has been selected for prestigious talent programmes. She studied film and media at the Paul Valery University in Montpellier, France. She worked for Company 3 London until 2016 on films such as The Woman In Black, Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation and Spectre.
Screening Times:
This film is showing in the Late Night Shorts screening at The Forum Auditorium on 18th November at 20:45.
Did you know that 100+ short films from our Official Selection will be available to rent online during this year's festival?
Selected films from the Late Night Shorts strand will be available online from 19th November until 3rd December.
Please note that some films are excluded from online screenings at the filmmaker's request. > More information