Synopsis: Samovar is based on the true story of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who saved the lives of many thousands of Jews in Budapest at the end of the Second World War, was then arrested by the Soviets, taken to Moscow and imprisoned. Despite official reports of his death in 1947, there were sightings and rumours of Wallenberg’s existence in prisons and asylums over the next decades.
About the Filmmaker: Lia Williams was BAFTA-nominated for her short film The Stronger and won Best Short Film at Raindance; other short films include Feathers -highly commended at The London Film Festival – and Dog Alone for Sky Arts TV. She also made a feature Documentary Nanobozhung, and The Matchbox by Frank McGuinness which won Best Play at Off West End Awards, and Ashes to Ashes as part of the Harold Pinter Season in the West End. She is also a multi award-winning actor.
Screening Times:
This film is showing in the Life Finds A Way shorts screening at The Forum Auditorium on 12th November at 12:00.
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Selected films from Life Finds A Way strand will be available online from 13th November until 3rd December.
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