Synopsis: “Fisheye” is a thought-provoking dark comedy that follows a group of young and enthusiastic filmmakers on set. Their task for the day is to film a fish named Oddvar. A discussion breaks out when Sara, a crew member, questions if it is animal cruelty to involve a helpless animal in a film production and the discussion quickly takes over and creates conflict within the group. They are forced to reflect on where the boundary lies between art and real life, and who has the right to criticize the creator of the film, namely the director. “Fisheye” shows the complexity and challenges of balancing artistic expression with society’s expectations of accountability, and challenges viewers to reflect on their own values and beliefs.
About the Filmmaker: Frøydis Fossli Moe is an award-winning filmmaker with a master’s degree in film directing from Screen Academy Scotland. She has directed several acclaimed short films, music videos, and documentaries, including “Hemale Education”, “Round 2”, and “The Day After”, which have been screened at prestigious festivals such as The Norwegian Short Film Festival, Nordic Panorama, Göteborg Film Festival, and BFI Future Film Festival. Recently, Frøydis also completed Viken Filmsenter’s talent program, Langstrakt, where she continued to develop her skills and passion for creating impactful films. With her unique vision and creative talent, Frøydis continues to produce high-quality films that engage and resonate with audiences.
Screening Times:
This film is showing in the Women In Film shorts screening at The Forum Auditorium on 11th November at 19:30.
This screening will also include a Q&A with selected filmmakers.
Did you know that 100+ short films from our Official Selection will be available to rent online during this year's festival?
Selected films from the Women In Film strand will be available online from 12th November until 3rd December.
Please note that some films are excluded from online screenings at the filmmaker's request. > More information