Synopsis: The father of an ISIS terrorist responsible for the 2015 Paris Attacks searches for his grand-daughter, Alaa (5y) believed to be in a refugee camp in Northern Syria. Desperate to save her, the way he was unable to save his son, the film explores themes of guilt and innocence, identity and belonging.
About the Filmmaker: Dr Myriam Francois is a Franco-Irish journalist. ‘Finding Alaa’ is her documentary debut. The film was shortlisted for the 2021 Whickers Awards and the Cannes MIPDOC 2022. Her most recent documentary for BBC World Service on the #dafadoy movement which changed rape laws in Senegal aired in May 2022. Myriam is currently the host and producer of a new series on Al Jazeera English (2022), ‘The Trouble with France’.
Screening Times:
This film is showing in the Real Stories shorts screening at The Forum Auditorium on 18th November at 15:45.
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Selected films from the Real Stories strand will be available online from 19th November until 3rd December.
Please note that some films are excluded from online screenings at the filmmaker's request. > More information