Synopsis: The First World War is over. Britain is victorious, but for the casualties of war the fight for a normal life is far from over. Two lost souls will come to terms with the damage they’ve done to each other.
About the Filmmaker: Freddy is an actor and director who has worked in the industry for eight years. Acting credits include work for Netflix, Apple TV+ and Warner Bros. His directorial debut ‘No 89’ was screened internationally, including at the BAFTA-Qualifying Aesthetica Film Festival.
Screening Times:
This film is showing in the British Mix shorts screening at The Forum Auditorium on 18th November at 18:15.
Did you know that 100+ short films from our Official Selection will be available to rent online during this year's festival?
Selected films from the British Mix strand will be available online from 19th November until 3rd December.
Please note that some films are excluded from online screenings at the filmmaker's request. > More information