Synopsis: In 1899, a Scottish lamplighter facing redundancy is haunted by nightmarish visions of an electric future. ‘The Leerie’ is a working class story at its heart. It’s about a man who is alienated by the technological advancements in his work field and his inability to join the world of the 20th century. The eponymous gas lamplighter is a lonely, stoic spectre of the past, for whom the future is coming fast and taking no prisoners.
About the Filmmaker: Joseph Daly is a West Midlands based filmmaker, he has directed and been on the production team for a number of short films that have played at short film festivals including BFI Scene, Channel 4 Random Acts, Kinofilm festival and on Sky One’s Short Film Show. Joseph’s previous directed works include Portrait, She Dreams and Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain, and he has a first-class honours degree from University of the Arts London, where he studied BA Film Practice.
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