Synopsis: A group of British Black youths from one of London’s most notorious estates defy public perception by supporting their local community when they needed it the most. Not all superheroes wear capes. Sometimes they come dressed in hoodies.
About the Filmmaker: Having started his career as a music producer, Jason transitioned to the world of film after spending time in various corporate roles. Passionate about the increase of under-represented stories on screen, he is a huge believer that narrative can act as the driving force to our beliefs and our decision-making. As such, his films are often centred on reframing the portrayal of these under-represented groups. Jason is an inaugural recipient of the Netflix Documentary Talent Fund and the co-founder of Project Must Entertainment, an independent production company focused on documentary, scripted, factual entertainment, digital and music projects. He is currently in production on his first 1 hour television documentary.
Screening Details: