Synopsis: After getting stung by a nettle Sarah finds that scratching, whilst providing relief, has destructive results. When minor irritations start to magnify her itch, and vice versa, restraint from scratching becomes insufferable. When Sarah is presented with a carefree alternative, can she still suppress her compulsion?
About the Filmmaker: Roel van Beek is a Dutch director who graduated from the National Film and Television School with an MA in directing animation. His graduation film A FILM ABOUT A PUDDING was screened at festivals like Annecy, BFI London Film Festival, LIAF, Kaboom Festival, Go Short, and ANIMA. A FILM ABOUT A PUDDING was longlisted for a BAFTA, won the audience award for best British film at LIAF and is nominated for an Annie Award. Roel’s new film SENSORY ITCH is supported by the Netherlands Film Fund.
Screening Details: