Synopsis: A hearing man reunites with his deaf cousin at a family funeral. Long-simmering tensions and resentments come to the surface.
About the Filmmaker: Duffy is a deaf actor, theatre director, filmmaker and BSL consultant for stage and screen.
His first short film, “Strangers” was made for the BSLBT’s Zoom film scheme and won Best Director at the Festival D’Oeil.
His sitcom, “Small World”, co-written with Ace Mahbaz, is still watched and loved by audiences around the world.
His recent projects include collaborations with Billie Piper on “I Hate Suzie”, “The Witcher”, “The Last Kingdom”, The Royal Shakespeare Company and his eagerly awaited short film “One Letter” in collaboration with Hear Art and Academy Award®️ Winning production company, Slick Films is set to have its world premier in summer 2022.
Screening Details: