Synopsis: An elderly couple are celebrating a birthday. A lifetime of mutual resentment reveals itself as an unexpected guest.
About the Filmmaker: Emily was born in Luxembourg and moved to north London at the age of 6 months. She grew up alongside one younger brother, one cat and a revolutionary goldfish that lived for 13 years.
She has always loved film and feels happier in a cinema than anywhere else. She began to study film at university but realised sitting in a classroom wasn’t for her. Instead, she worked as a runner on projects of all shapes and sizes, eventually producing two shorts with a crew member she met on a comedy pilot. It was the process of producing these shorts – completely from scratch with zero understanding of the film industry – where Emily found the confidence to pursue her own career as a director.
Her hobbies include thinking about food, talking about food and eating food. She currently lives in east London with her partner.
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