Synopsis: Luce lives a happy life in a peaceful little village, together with her mother and the other villagers. Every day is the same, and that’s the way everyone likes it… The only thing that scares Luce is the dark, but luckily her little lightsticks keep her safe!
One day a giant Rock Creature disturbs the quiet life in the village. He destroys everyone’s house, including Luce’s! Luce is angry and determined to take the Rock Creature back to his home.
But the Rock Creature might have more in common with Luce than she first thought…
About the Filmmaker: Britt was born in Belgium and lives in the cosy town of Ghent. She teaches animation at the KASK School of Arts, where she graduated herself in 2011. Since then she’s been finding her way in illustration and animation, doing both her own independent projects and commissioned work. In 2016 she finished her first professional short film CATHERINE. It
travelled the world to over 200 festivals, winning prizes along the way, and Britt happily travelled along! In 2022 she finished the film LUCE AND THE ROCK which she will also adapt as a children’s book.
In her spare time she eats chocolate, listens to indie music, reflects about NVC, admires her plants, pets as many cats as possible, binges animation and rides her bike. Except in the snow, as she’s scared of falling. If she’s reincarnated, she hopes to come back as a cat named Fluffy and get many chin rubs.
Screening Details: