Synopsis: An 8-year-old boy reluctantly visits his divorced father in Hong Kong, who wants him to become a Hong Kong citizen. They both keep secretive intentions and find it difficult to ask what they want from each other.
About the Filmmaker: Yeung Tung is a Chinese director/writer currently studying at NYU Tisch for Graduate film MFA. Yeung directed multiple theatres works with Red Star Theatre Club at Boston University as well as Wuming Theatre Club at MIT. An Invitation is an original script written by Yeung which he directed and produced in Summer 2019. This film is also in the 74th Cannes Semaine De La Critique’s official selection.
Hao Zhao is a Chinese director/screenwriter/DP. Graduating from NYU, Hao has been developing feature film scripts, while making short films. His short Fang Ke (2021) premiered at the 60th SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE. Yi Shi Yi Ke (Now.Here) is his latest short. His feature script based on the same characters from Yi Shi Yi Ke, was an official selection of the 2020 Shanghai International Film Festival Film Market section.
Screening Details: