Synopsis: Rubber Gun Club follows Chris McKee, a fictional New York City police officer, on the morning when his battle with suicidal ideation comes to a head. Chris understands that admission of suicidal thoughts will lead to indefinite gun and badge suspension, placing his career and reputation on the line. Following the suicide of another officer in his precinct, Chris is called in to discuss his own mental health. At this moment, he must make the ultimate decision: admit his struggles in hope of receiving help or conceal his true feelings, keeping his career intact but life at risk.
About the Filmmaker: Alex Bendo is a New York filmmaker currently pursuing his MFA at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts in the Graduate Film program. After graduating from Boston College in 2017, he received the Best Editing award at the 2018 Los Angeles Independent Film Festival for his work on the sci-fi indie feature, 2050. Alex’s debut short film, Rubber Gun Club, which tackles the growing mental health crisis within the New York Police Department, is slated to premiere at the 2021 Austin Film Festival. He is currently in development on his thesis short, which combines the worlds of sport and horror, while also developing an original horror anthology series centred on Greek Mythology.