Synopsis: Requiem is a story of love and revenge that takes place in 1605 and is set against the backdrop of the witch trials. The film follows Evelyn as she engages in a game of cat and mouse against her father, Minister Gilbert, in order to be with Mary, the woman she loves. When Minister Gilbert uses his power to have Mary burned as a witch, Evelyn gathers the women of the village to incite revenge.
About the Filmmaker: Em J. Gilbertson is a writer/director from Liverpool, working across film, television and music videos. Em is represented by the Independent Talent Group and currently working towards their first feature film. Their previous work has explored gender roles and the pressure to assimilate into dangerous environments but new projects are exploring non-binary identities and freedom. Em likes to draw upon personal experience to create complicated queer characters that examine the human condition. They have a passion for creating work that champions dance, spoken word and music whilst featuring it in innovative and unorthodox ways.
As of 9th March 2023, the filmmaker has made the film available to watch on YouTube here. Please note that this link is in no way associated with Norwich Film Festival – we’re just pointing people in the right direction as a lot of people seem to be finding this page when searching for the film online!