Synopsis: After losing his wife in a tragic fire, a secondary school teacher takes it upon himself to make a spectacle of his suffering – by writing and directing a play about his life for his students to perform. A nihilistic, cautionary exploration of someone losing touch with reality – addressing themes of how we process pain and toxic masculinity.
About the Filmmaker: Bertie Gilbert is a 24 year old director and writer, based in London. He serves as a pioneer for a new wave of young filmmakers, and was recently classified as one of the ‘Five New Wes Andersons’ by Dazed. In 2016 he was also part of the Dazed 100, a ‘definitive list of creatives shaping youth culture’. Since the age of 16 he’s accumulated a diverse portfolio – directing narrative shorts, music videos, documentaries and more. A child of the internet with his finger on the pulse of what other young creatives want to see.