Synopsis: Pile is a CG animated film that attempts to visually map an intuitive worldview, underpinned by an elusive composite of orders, such as the hierarchy of needs, history, economic stratification and the global supply chain. This compounded worldview is visualised as a vertical settlement made of rooms or modules that each represent a facet of human activity and the infrastructure that modern life depends on. The trajectory of material progression and detachment from reality within the film world reinforce a series contrasts that often overlap in our real world, such as between old and new, critical and superfluous, simple and complex, concrete and abstract, real and unreal.
About the Filmmaker: Toby Auberg is a London-based 3D visual artist and animator. His films explore sensory overload, abstract characters and virtual worlds, sometimes dabbling in political themes. Originally he started out working in film in Los Angeles, before moving to Sweden to study Motion Graphics at Hyper Island, and studied Experimental Animation at the Royal College of Art in London.