Synopsis: Set in Oulton, Leeds an old coal-mining community of over 60 houses still stand. Originally made as temporary council housing but sold onto private investors, they now sit with the threat of demolition, displacing a large number of residents, some who have lived there for all of their lives. Featuring a combination of audio interviews and artistic visuals we discover the stories of a close community of residents, their sentimental memories and the stress and uncertainty of an ongoing campaign to save their homes.
This documentary reminds us about the struggles of people slipping through the cracks of society and explores what it means to have a home.
About the Filmmaker: Alfie Barker is a writer and director from Leeds, UK. His first TV mini-series titled Present Tense that he directed, produced & edited was broadcast on BBC Four. Alfie has recently been selected for the BFI Northern Exposures Script LAB and previously for Creative England’s ShortFLIX. His most recent fiction short, I Was 3 starring Katie Jarvis (Fish Tank) premiered at Sundance London Film Festival and was then chosen as a finalist as part of their Ignite Competition.
Alfie is an alumni of the BFI Film Academy graduating from the National Film and Television School (NFTS) Talent Campus.