Synopsis: In September 2014, Banksy struck again. This time in the seaside town of Folkestone in Kent. Within weeks, Art Buff was chopped out of a 3-foot wall and immediately flown overnight to America in the hopes of being sold.
What followed over the next six years was a groundbreaking legal case, a secret injunction, a giant Brexit-inspired mural (possibly to mock those who ordered Art Buff’s removal) and some now-famous white paint.
Art Buff, shot over three years, features those involved in its eventful life.
About the Filmmaker: Hannah grew up in the West Midlands. After studying a BA in film at The Surrey Institute of Art & Design, she moved to London & worked in factual TV, feature films & feature documentaries. In 2016 she co-founded Buckle Up Films. Art Buff is Hannah’s directorial debut.