Synopsis: In 2015, Jib Hagan’s wife Alba passed away, and he found himself lost while trying to find the direction that his life would take next. After his young children told him that he couldn’t just sit and let other people suffer, he decided to set up a charity (C.A.R.E 4 Basket) to highlight the environmental issues affecting rural communities in Ghana and the impact of global warming and single use plastics on their livelihoods. This is Jib’s story.
About the Director: Justin Hunt is a Norwich-based filmmaker, who runs the production company ‘Heist Films Ltd’ with Nathan Whitmarsh – based in Rose Lane, Norwich. Together, they directed Debbie Boon – Fine Artist, which was nominated for the Best East Anglian Film award at the 2018 Norwich Film Festival. They both devote their efforts to creating human documentaries and innovative commercials for corporate clients. As a directorial team, they have travelled around the world, telling stories for brands and agencies with their combined understanding of cinematic storytelling and technical intel.