Synopsis: A soldier fights through the heat and hell of the Vietnam War in the early 1960s. War Paint does not focus on capturing the large scale of war. Instead, by focusing on one face as time progresses, the film powerfully explores the impact that war has on a single individual – from start to finish and into the aftermath. There are timeless lessons to be learnt from this film about how individuals cope in conflict, and whether it is ever necessary or justified.
About the Directors: J.C. Doler is an award winning filmmaker from Atlanta, Georgia. He has achieved numerous accolades and recognition across the globe for his writing, directing and editing in the professional, indie and commercial markets. Taylor Bracewell has established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the indie film community. Hot off the heels of her popular award-winning short film Candyland (2017), Taylor is excited to get back to work.