Synopsis: Laima, Magdi and Nour – their (nearly) ten year old daughter – anxiously await a circumcision appointment with a doctor, which is destined to change their lives forever. The 10 minute wait forces a young mother and her daughter together at a pivotal point in both of their lives. Laima is prompted to recall her own experience of being circumcised, and question if she can change the fate of her daughter. Turning Ten tackles issues relating to FGM – female genital mutilation.
About the Director: Jaylan Auf is an independent filmmaker, field producer and assistant director. She completed her German Abitur and graduated from The American University in Cairo. She was awarded a scholarship to the University of Southern California to complete a Screenwriting and Production diploma. Alongside her own creative projects, Jaylan has worked on documentaries and news pieces with different news channels, including Bloomberg, ARD and the Swiss National Channel.