Synopsis: An unsuspecting user is sent through a turbulent series of splash portals when his government-enforced dating app malfunctions in the bathtub. Storm is set in the near future, where everyone has to live by the government’s Federal Relationship Compatibility Act – a policy which ensures that citizens are matched with only completely compatible individuals. If an individual cannot find a match which satisfies the government’s strict algorithm, they will be sentenced to a life alone in a permanent facility.
About the Director: Will Kindrick is a filmmaker and artist based in Los Angeles. He began his career on the popular American children’s television series Yo Gabba Gabba, and since then, he has directed films and music videos for artists including Ice Cube, Kaskade, NeonTrees and She & Him. Will is known for his unique blend of whimsical worlds and emotional storytelling, and has picked up a selected of awards for his web series, editing and music video work. His latest short film, Storm, recently premiered at the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival.