Synopsis: Hiyori, a young female sumo wrestling champion, confronts obstacles both inside and outside the ring and attempts to change Japan’s national sport forever. She is determined to challenge Japan’s problematic status quo, which forbids women from professional wrestling beyond the age of 21. She must juggle new-found revelations while she prepares for the biggest tournament of her life. She has the drive and ambition to do it, but it might not be enough to make a difference in a country and sporting culture dictated by tradition and protocol.
About the Director: Matt Kay is a British documentary filmmaker. In 2012, he co-founded ‘Walks Of Life Films’, a production company devoted to producing socially conscious documentaries. Over the past five years, Matt has worked on numerous projects for online and broadcast, which have taken him to Egypt during the Arab Spring, and to the Brazilian favelas during the World Cup. He has since been awarded grant funding from the BFI, European Cultural Foundation, Film London and Tribeca Film Institute. Little Miss Sumo is his first festival documentary.