Synopsis: Guaxuma is a reflective, autobiographical piece about director Nara Normande’s connection to Guaxuma – a beach in the north east of Brazil where she and her best friend Tayra grew up. The area’s distinctive sea breeze brings back happy memories of the inseparable relationship that she and Tayra shared there. Nara uses a mix of animation styles, all using sand, to illustrate the childhood events she experienced in Guaxuma which have shaped her into the person she is today.
About the Director: Nara Normande was born on Guaxuma, a beach in north-eastern Brazil. Due to a lack of film schools in her area, she moved to Recife, where she joined an emerging new generation of Brazilian directors. She specialises in animation, and has directed and written 3 short films to date – all of which have received awards at film festivals worldwide. Her latest film, Guaxuma, mixes several animation techniques which are all connected to sand.