Synopsis: A young boy, Sol, is struggling with his confidence. He still can’t tie his own shoelaces, but with his Grandad’s gentle encouragement, he learns the craft of spoon carving and his sense of self-worth is slowly rekindled. On his way home, Sol encounters Eliot, who bullies him about his precious relationship with his Grandfather. Sol must find a way to overcome the doubts now sown in his mind, and return to Grandad’s house to finish the spoon. The experience also reinforces Eliot’s awareness of his own loneliness, which prompts him to decide to reach out to someone who cares.
About the Director: Annabel Vine has written and directed a range of award-winning short films, and has extensive commercial experience. Her previous short film, Letterbox, won 9 awards at international film festivals, including those accredited by BAFTA. She started her production company, ‘Wax Films’, in 2010, which makes innovative films for big brands like Heineken, charities like The Wildlife Trust, and small artisan companies. Annabel’s commissioned feature screenplay, Skyward, is currently in development with Skip Yard Productions, and in 2019, she was selected to participate in the BFI Network and BAFTA Crew development programme.