Synopsis: Jenny Taylor and Mike Litoris both suffer from E.N.S (Embarrassing Name Syndrome). They are interviewed by pompous documentary filmmaker Leslie Wilde for his series ‘The Wilde Side’, about the support group which they run for fellow sufferers. He follows the healing process of those afflicted and documents the quirky techniques the group uses to alleviate suffering, before discovering that he might have a closer link to the group than he once realised.
About the directors: Carolyn Goodyear trained in Acting at Richmond Drama School, and now runs the production company ‘Goodyear Productions’. She won the 2019 IMDb Script to Screen competition with the short script ‘Homewreckers’, and the mockumentary E.N.S is her latest film. Ollie Wiggins is a London-based director, who pursues his own short film projects alongside his work for ITV as a promo director for This Morning and Lorraine. He previously worked as a promo director for Channel 4 and The United Nations.