Synopsis: Filmed in upstate New York with a community of immigrant farmworkers, Dios Nunca Muere tells the story of a mother struggling to raise her two children on her own. Living with dozens of other undocumented families on an isolated farmworkers camp, Paula and her kids have little time and space to be a family. When a new mobile home arrives on the farm they live on, Paula allows herself and her children to imagine the home is their own – if only for a moment.
About the Director: Barbara Cigarroa is a Mexican-American filmmaker from South Texas. She resides in New York City and holds an MFA in Screenwriting from Columbia University and a BA in English from Yale University. A storyteller with a passion for social justice activism and Hispanic narratives, Barbara’s work has been recognized worldwide on the festival circuit, and through individual grants and awards from organizations including the Kellogg Foundation. Her screenplay, “The Other Side,” was a second-round finalist to the 2018 Sundance Screenwriter’s Lab, and her previous short film, Marta Rosa, won Panavision’s Best North American short film award.