Synopsis: Jay, a vegetarian beef farmer, struggles with his conscience every time he takes his cows to slaughter. Feeling trapped within the industry, he realises that he should devote himself to something which no other farmer in the UK has done before: transforming his meat farm into an organic, plant-based farm. While he takes this step into the unknown, Jay must decide what to do with the existing cattle on the farm who are set to be slaughtered. 73 Cows is the story of the first beef farmer in England to save every one of his cows from slaughter.
About the Director: Alex is a filmmaker from a little town called Bromsgrove in Worcestershire. Having enjoyed storytelling from a young age, and inspired by the gritty British works of Ken Loach and Shane Meadows, Alex decided to set about a career in film. A graduate of Film Production from the University of Gloucestershire, Alex has spent the last 7 years working on low to no-budget narratives and documentaries, whilst making a living working within the corporate film sphere. Alex’s ambition is to spend his career making films from an ethical standpoint which shed light on difficult issues. As his most ambitious independent film yet, Alex hopes that 73 Cows will serve as an introduction to himself as filmmaker.